YouTube Demonetizing ASMR Channels – A Very Disturbing Trend
yoshi35200 January 17, 2022 0
YouTube Demonetizing ASMR Channels - Crushing ASMR Artists Income
YouTube Demonetizing ASMR isn’t something new, their has been many instances of ASMR artists having harmless content being demonetized. While that was bad and very frustrating, the next step is absolutely devastating.
ASMR artists are having their entire channels demonetized, kicked out of the YouTube partner program and losing their income.
I feel terrible when I see another channel completely demonetized. I’ve had websites hacked where I lost all my work, it crushes you. Have I grown stronger, yes but it doesn’t remove the scars of the past.
There are some ASMR artists that have other sources of income, Twitch, Patreon, OF, TikTok but many ASMR artists have income just from YouTube. They rely on YouTube and to have the journey of making it to partner, only for it to be removed is brutal.
YouTube Isn't Only to Blame (Hear Me Out)
Most people would say, it’s YouTube’s fault, they are just hating on ASMR artists. YouTube Demonetizing Asmr is as common as me drinking a coffee. The thing is what most people don’t see is why YouTube is really demonetizing their channels.
It’s the problem that has grown exponentially since the start of this Pandemic.
Evil hatred from pieces of shit, doing things specifically to just hurt other people.
What ASMR artists don’t see as far as I know at least, is that the more popular your channel, the more people are reporting your content as sexual.
It doesn’t matter if your content isn’t sexual, hundreds and thousands of people are going to everyone of popular ASMR artists videos and reporting them as sexual content.
These low life pieces of shit are the main reason YouTube is demonetizing ASMR artists.

The content is Clearly not Sexual so that Shouldn't Matter
YouTube Demonetizing Asmr Channels despite me doing nothing wrong.
I understand this argument, but here is why you will probably still lose.
Girlfriend Role Plays, Up Close Kisses, Lens Licking, Role Plays of Characters that are known for their Sexuality. If you have a reviewer that is strict, not open minded and they see these videos or even sexy thumbnails, clickbait thumbnails you have little to no shot.
Here is why, look at it from this perspective you have 250 reports of Sexual content from your videos, you have thumbnails showing even just cleavage how are they going to decide in your favor?
You might be like if they just spent 34 minutes watching this video and that, they would understand. Imagine how many channels are on YouTube, it’s not very possible to get a fair go. The person has 60 more channels to review today.
Little do you know that 15 of your videos have 30+ reports of Sexual Content and 90% of them are from trolls and garbage people. 10% are close minded, overly sensitive jealous, or other issues. Many can be parents finding their 13 year old son watching and some content isn’t that easy to explain. You can blame YouTube but it’s truly the people that are spamming the sexual content report button on your channel.
The other main reason why ASMR artists are getting hit with a shovel.
YouTube Demonetizing ASMR Due to Advertisers
Advertisers seemingly have a policy against ASMR content, so YouTube is being forced to tighten restrictions. Advertisers is how you make money, how YouTube makes money and money controls.
Take this Ad-Free website as of January 16th, 2022 at least. I’ve applied for better advertisement programs, Bing, Yahoo etc. Get declined by them all and given no reason. There is no adult content on this website, no links to direct adult content, yet can’t get advertisers that pay properly or even a reason.
YouTube would get in trouble and potentially lose massive insane contracts if advertisers ads ran on videos with sexual content. They can’t take the risk to lose millions of dollars for a channel to have ads. It’s not personal, it’s just business. It’s not fair, it’s not right, but what can you do, call up the Internet?
What Can ASMR Artists do to Protect Themselves?
I seen Maimy ASMR start a second channel, it didn’t make much sense, unless her channel was demonetized. Only speculation, but she started a New Channel and it’s growing quickly, 194K old Channel 49.4K New Channel after just a month and 3 Videos.
The point is having a back up Channel can be an option, you will be able to tell people in your old channel to come to your new channel and go thru it all again. It’s not the best option, but it’s not a bad idea.
Build on Other Platforms
Having a Twitch Channel, TikTok, Patreon can be financially beneficial.
Create Your Own Website
I know that could be daunting, servers, lots of annoying things. However, it could work for you. I would say it’s not going to be easy though. I don’t care who you are and how many followers you have, building a pay wall website and getting people to join isn’t easy.
Ask Me
If you want someone to take a look at your channel and have an open and objective view to see if you might have future problems, I’ll take a look just email
My BEST Idea and It's Super Amazing! You Ready? You Sure?
Evolve your channel, don’t let being demonetized bring you down or crush you.
Just take it as a setback, your channel isn’t ruined, your dreams aren’t over.
Let your viewers know in future videos about the demonetization, allow people to buy you a Ko-Fi, Donate to your PayPal, Send you some Bits on Twitch. There are many ways to make money on YouTube, look at other ASMR channels that are advertising Nord VPN, Dollar Shave Club, reach out to them, reach out to companies that you use regularly.
Get sponsors and created some sponsored videos where YouTube isn’t paying you.
I know I’m a genius, don’t rely on your YouTube Channel, have back ups, have other options, even if your channel hasn’t had a single video demonetized. Things change, be prepared, and when it rains, you are ready and will not only survive but thrive.
Much Love to you All, have a Wonderful Day.
Hope This Helps, if it did share it or link back.