How to Grow Your ASMR Channel in 2022 7 Incredible Tips
yoshi35200 April 26, 2022 0
How to Grow Your ASMR Channel in 2022
How to Grow Your ASMR Channel in 2022 With 7 Incredible Tips To Help You Out.
It’s devastating when you are struggling to get any growth of your ASMR YouTube Channel, that is why I’ve created another How to Grow Your ASMR Channel article. It’s frustrating when you’ve figured it out and are growing only for things to slow down or decrease. I get it and let me make this clear to you and everyone else, growth doesn’t matter. You don’t need to have a fast growing channel to be considered successful. Just putting yourself out there and adding content is impressive enough. Don’t feel the need to compete and compare yourself to others. Just do you, when you want and how you want.
These tips on how to grow your channel in 2022, might be some channels, it might not. Take these tips with an open mind and hopefully it helps.
With all that being said, this article is for those that want more success. Make simple changes that result in more people subscribing, more people viewing their content that they worked so hard on. I get it and while I personally have had a decent Twitch Channel, nothing really for YouTube I do understand what a person needs to grow their channel.
Things I’ve Done for the ASMR Community
I’ve created hundreds of pages to support ASMR artists and each takes a few hours. I’ve seen and successfully predicted many channels, rapid growth and also have been frustrated at times, when seeing a channel struggle that doesn’t have to be.
I’m not going to call out specific channels, that is not my style. Respect is important and I hope you take these ideas with an open mind, some you might already implement. Maybe you implement all of them and I’m wasting your time. Either way this guide is simply to help anyone on How to Grow Your ASMR Channel in 2022.

#1 Spend 15 Minutes on Each Video for S.E.O

S.E.O stands for Search Engine Optimization while this is usually reserved for websites, optimizing your videos for YouTube’s search engine is important.
Instead of selling you some product, I’m going to give you simple tips to do for every video you ever create.
Get into a routine doing the following and you should have more success.
- Keep Titles Short and Simple
- Most Successful Videos are Between 10 Minutes and 16 Minutes (Don’t use this as a guideline, just keep it in mind.) If you have a 7 minute video, maybe you can try bulk it up if possible to at least 10 minutes.
- Enter a Description for every videos and try for 250 to 400 Words in each description. If struggling to type enough words, just describe things in the video or what else is on your channel and social medias.
- Have your title in your description exactly the same at some point and also similar words close to your title. eg. ASMR Ear Eating, have that and also Ear Eating ASMR etc.
- Use 10 to 40 Tags in Each Video. If your tags are short eg. ear eating, tacos, yoshi, then lean closer to 30 to 40 Tags. If they are long eg. yoshi is green, ear eating for degens, licking a microphone so so clean. Then lean to just 10-20 tags.
- High Quality Thumbnail
- Add End Screens if Possible linking to your other videos.
#2. How to Grow Your ASMR Channel Consistency and Frequency

If you want to grow your ASMR YouTube Channel one of the most important things is get people to know when you are posting a new video.
I have in my head on Friday, usually one of my absolute favorite ASMR artists posts a new video. I look forward to Friday’s and hope every Friday to see a new video.
Also as someone who is subscribed to over 800 ASMR artists, I know something that catches my attention, amazing frequency.
There is an ASMR artist named Amy who had a channel called ASMR Network. What impressed me the most about her, was her incredible work ethic. She created a new video every day for months and the videos weren’t short either. They were long videos posted every single day.
It’s not for everyone, but I will tell you one thing she stood out among 800 YouTube Subscribers. She became successful and moved onto other content, but I was always amazed how long she created content daily.
There is a new streamer named Pixie ASMR who is posting almost every day and again, I’m noticing it.
Point I’m Trying To Make with Random Stories
This is very simple, if you can post frequently, do it. If you don’t have time, at least be consistent. Try to keep a schedule and my advice would be always have an extra video or 2 created. When things happen in your life, post the extra video or 2 until things are back to normal, while still maintaining your schedule.
This isn’t just for me, it’s like your favorite TV show, you anticipate Sunday’s for this show or that. It’s the same thing, anticipating your favorite content creator. Bigger creators have more flexibility and can just post whenever they feel like it, but being hungry and posting more frequent and consistent can get you closer to their freedom level.
Onto #3 in How to Grow Your ASMR Channel in 2022
#3. YouTube Channel Thumbnail Use The Zoom
Like I said earlier I am Subscribed to over 800 ASMR Artists on YouTube. I did a test when I scrolled thru the Subscriptions, who caught my eye, who didn’t and why.
Most important things I found are be zoomed in on you and your face, secondly do not split your images.
The further the person was on the screenshot the less I noticed them, if someone was like over the top zoomed in, my eyes were drawn to that.
Secondly I seen one ASMR artist Screenshot was split into 4 Quarters, they were a very popular ASMR artist but I completely missed them over a couple scans.
Single screen and zoomed in, I believe are the more eye catching thumbnails.

#4. Use TikTok, YouTube Shorts, Facebook, Insta to Your Advantage
TikTok keeps adding more time your videos can be, by the time I publish you might be able to publish 15 minute videos on TikTok. However, before all the length extensions, TikTok was for less than 1 minute clips.
YouTube Shorts, Facebook, Instagram all have similar abilities. So use these to your advantage, if you are posting on Tuesday’s, on Monday post a 30 second clip of your upcoming video on all of these platforms.
Even better idea have a different 30 second clip for each platform. Showcase what’s coming tomorrow, link to your channel and at the very least get more exposure.
It reminds your viewers that even on your non posting your main content, that you still exist. When they wake up in the morning, they are like what’s happening today, they might be like oh yeah ASMR ____ is posting today.
There are many ways to use TikTok etc, you can post mini videos, you can post previews, you can even just post videos of you hanging out. Discuss what is coming up on your channel, interact and get new ideas from your fans on all your social media channels.
Onto #5 of How to Grow Your ASMR Channel
#5. How to Grow Your ASMR Channel Your Content Speaks
Do you have some videos that are way more popular than others? This information can be very valuable to your channel. You’ve found a little niche most likely is the reason for success. Something that isn’t overpopulated, while it’s also something that people are actively searching for.
Create more content related or similar to what became a hit, make a sequel etc. I know you have other videos that you want to do, but if you want to succeed your viewers are yelling this type of content we want. It’s up to you of course if you want to listen and help speed up your channel’s growth.
You can always go back to your planned content at a later date, it might even be more successful because you’ll have more Subscribers to try it.
#6. How to Grow Your ASMR Channel is a unique idea to say the least.
#6. Tie Up and Ball Gag Your Subscribers
Only Kidding just making sure that you are awake and reading this. Let’s try this again.
#6. Improve Your Video Quality
Have an Intro, include a catch phrase. Make sure your sound doesn’t have outside noise, improve your video quality. Spend extra time, add little clickable messages in your videos. Have outro’s so they can go from one video to the next, have your social media included.
Turn your average video into an experience about you and your brand.

#7. Team Up For Greatness

The easiest way for ASMR Artists to fast forward everything, get past algorithms, search engine optimization all of that is to team up.
Work together with others, you don’t have to be best friends. Share each other’s content, post each other’s new videos. Grow as a unit is the best way to do it.
OnlyFans I see many ladies twitter feeds are 10% their content 90% other OnlyFans. The successful ones share each other’s posts and that’s how they get all their new followers. They appear on timelines that they wouldn’t appear on by themselves. This is how ASMR artists could be, this is how even small ASMR artists could be really successful.
You can add each other’s channels on the friends section if you have it on YouTube. Everyone could post on their social media’s when a new video is out. Then all the people in the group can like and retweet, or share etc.
Not only new videos, any post, any tweet, any picture on Instagram. Work together and share for success for all.
I hope you found at least one of these tips useful, if so than that’s good.
Please share this website with your friends on social media, I’m trying my best to grow this site so I can help ASMR artists even further.